Thursday, April 29, 2010

En attendant Godard: Interview and Trailer

I previously posted a review of William Brown's new film En attendant Godard after seeing it at a screening in St. Andrews. Recently, Brown's film has screened at the CPH PIX film festival in Copenhagen. Festival organizers caught up with the director and some of his cast and crew for a short interview, in which Brown talks about his brush with Godard. For those of you who haven't seen the film, this is an exciting but ephemeral moment where it seems as if Godard will finally be revealed on film after thoroughly reveling in his textual manifestations. The interview reveals what I hoped to be true: Godard actually was present during the filming of this scene - but is Brown's refusal to film Godard up close a result of his humility, or a subtle flourish to the end of his film?

If you haven't seen En attendant Godard, here is the trailer:

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